Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Edmund Loh is like a cockroach!

Yes, he has done it again Affiliate...

This guy just refuses to go away! I always
wonder how he comes up with such high
quality private label rights products in
such a short period of time!

And now he is at it again:

=> http://dylanloh.com/Likes/edmundplr

This time, the sale is limited to 3 days
thereafter the the products get taken
off the market for good.

I've to say, I'm pretty impressed with the
line up of PLR he's got for this sale.

The topics are deliberately created on hot
demand niches like:

:: Podcasting
:: Backend Sales Building Secrets
:: Personality Self Improvement
:: Increasing Customer Retention
:: Financial Health Strategies, and
:: Guide to Forex Trading

In case you don't know what to do with
PLR products, here's some ways you can
profit from it:

* Put your name as the author and sell it
* Do article marketing with it
* Sell the 6 products individually or together
* Offer the Basic/Master Resell Rights
* Resell their Private Label Rights
* Sell them on auction sites
* Use them as bonuses
* Add into your membership site,
* Use as offline publishing content,
* And much more!

I've already secured my copy and you really
should too:

=> http://dylanloh.com/Likes/edmundplr

Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

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