Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Affiliate, here's how to FATTEN your next Clickbank check!...

Hey Affiliate,

Actually, I didn't tell you the whole story.

It is not only gonna fatten your Clickbank
commissions, it'll *ALSO* fatten your Commission
Junction, Amazon, Ebay, PayDotCom checks...

It works with pretty much every affiliate
program there is!

This is something you should definitely check out
if you haven't already done so:


Secret Affiliate Code 2 unlocks a brand-new
affiliate marketing system that can have you
collecting Benjamin Franklyns hand over fist!

You get f.ree...traffic anytime you need it.

And Craig shows you his brand new methods that
literally rocked the affiliate system to the

Craig used this system to make more than $31K
in 8 days...I think you'll agree that it is a
pretty awesome paycheck.

Think about it for a moment. What could YOU
do with $31,000?

The whole system is stupid-simple, making it
perfect for newbies... but it's still advanced
enough that I learned at least 3 new 'tricks'
from it.

Even long-time marketers are learning from
Craig's brand new system for doing it.

I really can't do it justice in this email.
Take a look at the page at...


Drop me an email at dylan.sgt@gmail with your
receipt after you get it through the link above
because I'm gonna reward action taker with a
killer $47 report called 'Niche Market Secrets'

Dylan Loh

PS - Go on...try it. If it doesn't fatten your
Clickbank check next month, you can get a
prompt and courteous refund. (And still get to
keep 'Niche Market Secrets'!)


Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Thursday, October 16, 2008

building a list for big FAT profits!

Hey Affiliate,

Chris Freville just released his breakthrough
list building system. It takes the once tedious
process of building a cash-generating list of
subscribers and puts it all on autopilot.

And I mean everything...

- Setting up squeeze pages...
- Creating opt-in boxes...
- Collecting names and email addresses...
- Organizing your lists...
- Finding new niches to conquer...
- Increasing your opt-in conversions...
- Increasing new subscriber confirmations...
- Designing the coolest new drop downs...
- Executing killer auto-responder campaigns...

And it automates the entire process.


Pretty incredible, right?

If someone told me even a year ago it was
possible to totally automate the list building
process... and do it faster than ever before...
I would have told them they were dreaming.

But, here it is.

Whether you've got a huge list... a small but
responsive list... or no list at all... Chris's
Automated List Builder is a must for every
marketer serious about making real money on
the Internet.


Chris has made 10 step-by-step videos to walk you
through the entire process of list building. This
is a generous package. Hundreds have already
jumped in and taken their Internet marketing to
the next level...

In fact, he talks about one *secret* method I
personally used (he actually mentions my name) to
build as many as 5000 fresh subscribers every
single month :)

Go check it out now!


Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

your affiliate commission streams?

NOTE: I urge you to read EVERY WORD of this
letter because it is very important but if
you're in a real hurry, check out what I'm
saying real quickly here:

Hey Affiliate,

One of the things I always tell my coaching
students and my customers is to always, ALWAYS
build multiple streams of income online.

For example, if you're doing article marketing
and have already build quite sizeable & stable
income from it...don't just stop there!

Start building even more income streams! You can
try your hand at Adsense, Social media Marketing
or Adwords even...

See, lots of people get struck with a condition
I call 'oneitis'.

Once they found a certain way of making money (or
a certain niche) they stick with it as if its
the ONLY way to make money...

That's a fallacy of course!

And when Rob Benwell & Michael Nicholas
approached me to be part of 15 contributors -
each talking about a seperate way of making
money - I couldn't refuse.


I knew from the start this could be one of the best
things to come out since 'Day Job Killer' &
'Commission Blueprint' and I wanted to be part of it.

'Rat Race Annihilation' just went live & I only
have one word for the end product after reviewing
everything - AMAZING!

RRA combines 15 income streams into one powerful


So if you've been trying already to succeed online
or have just started out then you need to grab
yourself a copy and read every last word.

These 15 experts (me included!) have gone from
zero to six figures online... some even hitting
seven figures!

If you're at all interested in making money online
then you really need to check this out:


Talk soon.

Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Sunday, September 28, 2008

realistically expect to make $500-$2000 with this...

Hey Affiliate,

I recently got to reviewing Chris' 'Bill Killer'
and wanted to bring it to your attention...

He outlines a very simple and ingenious way of
consistently banking in $500-$2000 per month from
affiliate marketing...


(Hint: Scroll right down to the page and look for a
'secret link' to get an instant 20% rebate!)

Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Friday, September 26, 2008

$3211 a day secret REVEALED...stake your claim now...

Hey Affiliate,

It's time to fight back.

It's time to wave PPC costs GOODBYE.

It's time to grab a share of Google's
huge stash of cash...

It's time for you to TAKE Google's Wealth!


Eric Rockefeller a renowned super affiliate
with big players always backing him, has
revealed one of his "newest" secret weapons...

"Google Wealth Maker"

It's a push-button tool he and a beta group
has been secretly using to raid Google silently
for literally fre.e profits!

Now, the veil has been lifted.

The secret is there for your taking.

Time to claim your share, Affiliate...


Believe me, you'll want to take a look at
what this system can do for you.

Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Edmund Loh is like a cockroach!

Yes, he has done it again Affiliate...

This guy just refuses to go away! I always
wonder how he comes up with such high
quality private label rights products in
such a short period of time!

And now he is at it again:


This time, the sale is limited to 3 days
thereafter the the products get taken
off the market for good.

I've to say, I'm pretty impressed with the
line up of PLR he's got for this sale.

The topics are deliberately created on hot
demand niches like:

:: Podcasting
:: Backend Sales Building Secrets
:: Personality Self Improvement
:: Increasing Customer Retention
:: Financial Health Strategies, and
:: Guide to Forex Trading

In case you don't know what to do with
PLR products, here's some ways you can
profit from it:

* Put your name as the author and sell it
* Do article marketing with it
* Sell the 6 products individually or together
* Offer the Basic/Master Resell Rights
* Resell their Private Label Rights
* Sell them on auction sites
* Use them as bonuses
* Add into your membership site,
* Use as offline publishing content,
* And much more!

I've already secured my copy and you really
should too:


Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Friday, September 19, 2008

death of yellow pages = easy offline profits for you!

Let me be clear Affiliate...not only are
people now searching for local businesses
through Google and not Yellow Pages, but the
Yellow Page delivery is being banned in some
cities for environmental reasons.

(Such as Albany, NY)

- Why should YOU care? -

Because by the millions, local restaurants,
contractors & shops of all kinds are suddenly
desperate to get a website done and ranked.

"Easy Offline Riches", the maverick product
which "sold out" on the Warrior Forum, gives


Easy Offline Riches gives you a kit, and website
that makes this really easy to do.

Everything you need to contact businesses, and
have them COME TO YOU is included. In fact, on a
first come first serve basis, Mark Lareau (product
creator) and his team will do all the work for you
after you make initial contact!

Tell me, how cool is that?


So basically Mark is doing the lion's share of
the work and you're keeping all the profits :)

I don't know what you think but that certainly
sounds like a heck of a deal to me!

See what this is all about now. Quite the find...

Wishing you much success,
Dylan Loh

P.S. You see how this is so different and
refreshing? This gives you a concrete chance
to succeed even if you are new to work-at-home
and online business...

"Make It So" by signing up here:


Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Thursday, September 18, 2008

virtually free plr membership for Affiliate...

Hey Affiliate,

It's been a while since I last spoke to you
and I wanted to make a few points in this

You must have been flooded with emails over the
past few days on several major launches going on.

I didn't promote them. And I'm not apologising
for that.

Don't get me wrong, I think they are great products
but the thing is I haven't personally tested them
and I don't want to recommend it 'blind' without
knowing if it actually works!

(I think that sets me apart from 99% of the
marketers out there. LOL)

I also wanted to tell you about 'Opportunity PLR'
by good friend - Jaz Lai:


The private label rights business is something
that I'm deeply involved in and it contributes
a substantial amount to my profits every month...

Here's some ways I profit with PLR:

1. Use it as content on my Adsense sites and
make a profit in the Adsense earnings and from
affiliate sales

2. Break up the content and resell them as
individual article packs

3. Brush up the PLR package, give it a new look
and sell it as a stand alone item

4. Give it away to collect hot new leads

5. Re-package everything and run a PLR firesale

6. And many more!


As shown above, there are many MANY ways to cash
in on PLR and Jaz is running a limited trial for
his new membership.

Here's the deal: He's offering a $1 trial for a
full unrestricted 30 days 'look-see' period where
you can download his PLR stuff and judge the
quality for yourself.

(I have to tell you it's really good!)

Its also worth noting Jaz is a network marketer
so his PLR is geared towards that niche and this
is a good thing because the network marketing
niche is catching up in a really big way online...

I highly urge you to grab this rare opportunity
right now:


Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Google wants you to earn MORE from Adsense (free tip)

Hey Affiliate,

Yes is true!

See, if you, as a publisher, earns more from
Adsense, it means they make more too!

Here's a GREAT place to get started & learn
the basics of Adsense:

Please don't think that it isn't helpful
because it is from Adsense...On the contrary,
you should read it because the tips are
from Adsense themselves!

Remember that the key to any LONG TERM success is
by getting the BASICS right. That is something that
many Internet marketers fail to realise!

To make $1000 a day, you need to make $10 a day
first. To make $10 a day, you need to make $1 a

So make sure you've got your fundamentals
correct...and you won't go wrong.


Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Here's 2 (free) tools to help you with Adwords

Hey Affiliate,

I'm gonna introduce you to 2 top tools I use
with my Adwords campaigns. They are crucial to
me having profitable results so listen up!


I've a fre.e account there, no need to upgrade
although you may wish to do so. What keyword
spy does is that it allows you to type in a
domain or a few keywords and see what keywords
advertisers are bidding on!

So if you promote a weight loss product via
Clickbank, you can easily, type in the domains
of the sales page and, PRESTO, the keywords are
there for your pickings.

Also, if you type in popular keywords like
'weight loss' you can see what other variations
or long tail keywords are people bidding on!

This is great if you want to concentrate on the
lower volume but more targeted clicks.

This is GREAT for spying on what keywords your
competitors are bidding on.


Oh boy where do I start with this?

You can use this tool for A LOT of stuff.

You can check profitability of a certain
keyword, trend OR event by checking out
if its popularity has been declining or

This is a great start for you to check
things out before creating an info product
or before commencing on an affiliate

You can also spot certain trends that are
coming up...these are good places to pick
what niche to enter in for ADSENSE :)

Not only that you can COMPARE keywords
against keywords so you can determine
which phrase is more popular.

(It even tells you which country searches
the most for the particular trend/keyword!)

Very powerful tool.

Talk soon!

Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Thursday, August 28, 2008

download all my products ever created!

Hey Affiliate,

Here's an opportunity to download ALL
of my products ever to be created:

Yes, it is a secret page so please don't share

And you only have one shot at this!


Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dylan here...a quick question!

Hey Affiliate,

Dylan here again :)

Just wanted to ask if you've any questions
on the report I sent you a couple of days

I hope you've learnt a thing or two from that.

Here's a fact for you:

All over the world, people are jumping on to
the Adsense bangwagon 'blind'. They make mistakes
like clicking on their own Ads (that's why click
fraud is such a big issue!)

Adsense really isn't difficult and this model of
online business has consistently proven to be
very robust and successful - even for newbies.

Sure, you can get fre.e information off the net and
make 50 cents here, 20 cents there and, if you get
lucky, make a few dollars a day...

...BUT if you'd really like to create an autopilot
and substantial income stream, I strongly recommend
you grab this blueprint if you haven't already:


Seriously, for that price, you'd be crazy not to
try it out!

Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Saturday, August 23, 2008

as promised, here's your report Affiliate...

Hey Affiliate,

Dylan here! Here's your no-cost Adsense


Just hit the 'reply' button and let me know what
you think about it! I can't guarantee that I'll
reply to your email BUT I CAN promise you that
I'll read your email!

Happy reading!

Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit: