Sunday, August 31, 2008

Here's 2 (free) tools to help you with Adwords

Hey Affiliate,

I'm gonna introduce you to 2 top tools I use
with my Adwords campaigns. They are crucial to
me having profitable results so listen up!


I've a fre.e account there, no need to upgrade
although you may wish to do so. What keyword
spy does is that it allows you to type in a
domain or a few keywords and see what keywords
advertisers are bidding on!

So if you promote a weight loss product via
Clickbank, you can easily, type in the domains
of the sales page and, PRESTO, the keywords are
there for your pickings.

Also, if you type in popular keywords like
'weight loss' you can see what other variations
or long tail keywords are people bidding on!

This is great if you want to concentrate on the
lower volume but more targeted clicks.

This is GREAT for spying on what keywords your
competitors are bidding on.


Oh boy where do I start with this?

You can use this tool for A LOT of stuff.

You can check profitability of a certain
keyword, trend OR event by checking out
if its popularity has been declining or

This is a great start for you to check
things out before creating an info product
or before commencing on an affiliate

You can also spot certain trends that are
coming up...these are good places to pick
what niche to enter in for ADSENSE :)

Not only that you can COMPARE keywords
against keywords so you can determine
which phrase is more popular.

(It even tells you which country searches
the most for the particular trend/keyword!)

Very powerful tool.

Talk soon!

Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

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Thursday, August 28, 2008

download all my products ever created!

Hey Affiliate,

Here's an opportunity to download ALL
of my products ever to be created:

Yes, it is a secret page so please don't share

And you only have one shot at this!


Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dylan here...a quick question!

Hey Affiliate,

Dylan here again :)

Just wanted to ask if you've any questions
on the report I sent you a couple of days

I hope you've learnt a thing or two from that.

Here's a fact for you:

All over the world, people are jumping on to
the Adsense bangwagon 'blind'. They make mistakes
like clicking on their own Ads (that's why click
fraud is such a big issue!)

Adsense really isn't difficult and this model of
online business has consistently proven to be
very robust and successful - even for newbies.

Sure, you can get fre.e information off the net and
make 50 cents here, 20 cents there and, if you get
lucky, make a few dollars a day...

...BUT if you'd really like to create an autopilot
and substantial income stream, I strongly recommend
you grab this blueprint if you haven't already:


Seriously, for that price, you'd be crazy not to
try it out!

Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit:

Saturday, August 23, 2008

as promised, here's your report Affiliate...

Hey Affiliate,

Dylan here! Here's your no-cost Adsense


Just hit the 'reply' button and let me know what
you think about it! I can't guarantee that I'll
reply to your email BUT I CAN promise you that
I'll read your email!

Happy reading!

Dylan Loh

Marymount View #17-02, 11 Pemimpin Drive, Singapore, Singapore 576148, SINGAPORE

To unsubscribe or change subscriber options visit: